The SVBF Seniors Club was started in July 2016 with the sole purpose of creating a platform for Seniors in the community to meet, discuss common issues, listen to expert speakers on topics that interest them and have fun.

It was decided to arrange the Seniors meeting at SVBF every Sunday from 3 to 7 pm. The activities and programs will be decided by a small coordinating group amongst the Seniors.The Club started with the following activities:

3 pm - 3.30 PM; Arrive, Socialize, coffee & biscuit, plan activities
3.30 - 4.30 Yoga, & exercise suitable for seniors
4.30 - 5.30 Group activities such as:Cooking, Computer use, Library,Gardening, Art work, Games etc.
5.30 - 6.15 Special Presentations, visitor lectures etc.
7 pm: Light snacks or light supper.

There is NO Fee to participate.

The Club met every Sunday with about 15 to 20 Seniors during the summer months and has been well appreciated by all participating Seniors. It was continued until Covid put a halt for all the activities for two to three years The following activities / events were conducted since the formation of the Club:

  • Special Event by children commemorating the birthday of Lord Krishna where Seniors were encouraged to
    participate in the games.

  • Participation in the study by Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (Alliance)
    Research Study: causes of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and common cancers in the South Asian community.

  • SVBF Senior's Day in March 2017 with participation from Hon. Minister Deepika Damerla, MPP
    Minister of Seniors’ Affairs, Govt. of Ontario.
    The Seniors witnessed
    Great Presentations on the following topics :
    Issues faced by Indo-Canadian Seniors
    Healthy Aging
    Mindfulness and Meditation
    Resources available at Community Service Agencies
    Medical issues faced by Seniors

  • Seniors participated in the reception honouring of a group of 15 highly accomplished Dwarf athletes from India
    who won numerous medals at the World Dwarf games 2017 that was held at University of Guelph.

  • Continuing our service to the community, following the successful Walkathon to raise money to Etobicoke General Hospital, SVBF arranged a BUS TRIP OF SENIORS to Niagara area to see the fall colours on Oct 16, 2022 Sunday from 8 am to 6 pm. and is supported thru the NHSP Seniors Grant.
    Through the effort of Dr. Vasu and Hut Srinivasan, Niagara Chinmaya Mission hosted the lunch for all the seniors.

  • The sucess of the bus trip in October 2022, SVBF arranged another bus trip and Seniors recently were taken to Huntsville ON to enjoy the fall colours. The trip was organized by SVBF subsidizing 50% of the cost. Over 100 senior were taken in two buses on October 13, 2024 to Huntsville where the fall colours were in full bloom. the Seniors also visited the ISKCON Sri Krishna Mandir on their way back.


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